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Who We

Who we treat

Our program is designed specifically for executives and professionals struggling with substance use and other psychiatric disorders. Our patients have demanding careers with responsibility for the welfare, livelihood, and success of their organization, employees, or the general public.

More specifically:

  • Current or former executives or senior leaders of corporations, healthcare, education, law, government, transportation, financial, sports, entertainment, and other industries
  • Professionals who have had significant organizational responsibility for patient, client, employee, or consumer care (such as physicians, other healthcare professional leaders, attorneys, pilots, brokers, bankers, artists, or athletes)

Who The Steward House Treats

Petra Pilgrim, M.D., Director of The Steward House explains why The Steward House is a perfect setting for executives and professionals of any kind.

  • Executives and professionals and other high-achieving people usually reach that point of success by managing large groups of people. And a lot of times that happens at the expense of their managing their own needs and the needs of their family. And so really a first step in someone coming into treatment at The Steward House is to get that focus back on them, to have them understand that for this brief time that they're going to be with us, they are the most important person that needs to be focused on.

“Corporate Executives and airline pilots are among the most stressful jobs.”3

Is The Steward House right for you?

Denial is a powerful defense mechanism. It prevents high achievers like you from seeking help. It even distorts how you perceive yourself. More so than other populations, your executive and professional peers deny or hide their struggle with mental illness and addiction. As expert problem solvers and accomplished leaders accustomed to being in control, seeking or accepting help from others can be difficult.

And on the surface, executive mental health and substance use problems often fly under the radar. With a history of achievement, colleagues and family members easily dismiss your early symptoms as stress or an unhealthy work/life balance. By the time your underlying condition is detected, it is often advanced enough to pose a serious risk to you, your family, or your workplace. At this stage, a transitional living program is necessary to stabilize your symptoms and put you on the road to recovery.

Unsure if you have a problem? See if any of these thoughts sound familiar.

  • I’m different—I don’t fit the stereotype.
  • I’m successful and I’m still able to manage my life.
  • There are days when I keep my symptoms completely under control.
  • I’m just stressed out lately. Things will get better soon.
  • I know plenty of people with much bigger problems.
  • I haven’t been arrested or had any serious medical problems.
  • I’m too smart and talented to have this happen to me.
  • I run a successful company—of course I’m in control of my emotions, thoughts, and perceptions.

If these thoughts resonated with you, it might be time to ask for help. We’re here for you.

The conditions we treat

We specialize in the treatment of complex mental health problems and addiction. The most commonly treated psychiatric disorders in The Steward House include: substance-related and addictive disorders, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and personality disorders.

If you suspect a loved one or colleague is suffering

Most people suffering from mental health problems and addiction resist discussing their condition. Some even keep it a secret. This tendency is only exacerbated with high achievers. With organizational and personal reputations at risk, there is a lot at stake. But, ignoring signs of mental health or substance use disorders is a much bigger risk.

If you suspect your loved one or colleague is struggling with mental health or substance use, we can help. Contact The Steward House to see whether your loved one or colleague could benefit from treatment.

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Learn about the evidenced-based therapies and individualized approach of our program.